DI-C12 : air purifying filter for waterproof funeral vaults

DI-C12 : air purifying filter for waterproof funeral vaults

CEMETERY, CREMATORIUMVaultsCemetery creation & managementEQUIPMENTEquipment & tools for stone professionals
The air purifying filter for waterproof funeral vaults “DI C12” has been specially designed to remedy the problems of bad odors emanating from vaults. This filter has obtained approval from CERIB in accordance with appendix C of standard NFP-98-049 of 1994. It contains:
- Activated carbon impregnated specifically to adsorb body decomposition gases (H2s, mercaptans, ammonia, etc.).
- A molecular sieve that traps humidity in the air so that the activated carbon does not become saturated and retains all its adsorption qualities.
3 layers of filter media, with a porosity of 0.2 µm, which stop bacteria.
In addition, a gas inlet grille, perforated with multiple holes, prevents any blockage by insects inside the cellar. A perforated lens placed at the gas outlet avoids this same problem at the filter outlet.
It can be easily attached to the side or top of the cellar.